>> ver ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MATLAB Version: (R2024b) MATLAB License Number: 41041509 Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Version 10.0 (Build 19045) Java Version: Java 1.8.0_202-b08 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MATLAB Version 24.2 (R2024b) Simulink Version 24.2 (R2024b) Curve Fitting Toolbox Version 24.2 (R2024b) Deep Learning Toolbox Version 24.2 (R2024b) GUI Layout Toolbox Version 2.3.9 (R2024a) Global Optimization Toolbox Version 24.2 (R2024b) Image Processing Toolbox Version 24.2 (R2024b) MATLAB Coder Version 24.2 (R2024b) MATLAB Compiler Version 24.2 (R2024b) MATLAB Compiler SDK Version 24.2 (R2024b) Medical Imaging Toolbox Version 24.2 (R2024b) Optimization Toolbox Version 24.2 (R2024b) Parallel Computing Toolbox Version 24.2 (R2024b) RF Toolbox Version 24.2 (R2024b) Signal Processing Toolbox Version 24.2 (R2024b) Simulink Coder Version 24.2 (R2024b) Simulink Compiler Version 24.2 (R2024b) Spreadsheet Link Version 24.2 (R2024b) Statistical Parametric Mapping Version 7771 (SPM12) Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox Version 24.2 (R2024b) Symbolic Math Toolbox Version 24.2 (R2024b) Wavelet Toolbox Version 24.2 (R2024b) Widgets Toolbox - Compatibility Support Version 1.5.1 (R2023a) >> Osprey Timestamp September 27, 2024 12:47:17 Osprey 2.8.0 OspreyGUI C:Timestamp September 27, 2024 12:47:48 Osprey 2.8.0 Timestamp September 27, 2024 12:47:48 Osprey 2.8.0 OspreyGUI Timestamp September 27, 2024 12:48:31 Osprey 2.8.0 OspreyLoad Loading raw data from dataset 21 out of 21 total datasets... ... done. Elapsed time 2.642940 seconds Data type Philips SDAT is already coil-combined. Timestamp September 27, 2024 12:49:06 Osprey 2.8.0 OspreyProcess Processing data from dataset 21 out of 21 total datasets... ... done. Elapsed time 89.896615 seconds Timestamp September 27, 2024 12:51:32 Osprey 2.8.0 OspreyFit Fitting metabolite spectra from dataset 1 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 2 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 3 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 4 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basis set... Running final preliminary analysis step with full basis set... Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtrackingFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 5 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 6 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 7 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 8 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 9 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 10 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 11 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 12 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 13 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 14 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 15 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basis set... Running final preliminary analysis step with full basis set... Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtrackingFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 16 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 17 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basis set... Running final preliminary analysis step with full basis set... Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtracking step Positive dir derivative in projection Using the backtrackingFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 18 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 19 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 20 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basFitting metabolite spectra from dataset 21 out of 21 total datasets... Running initial referencing... Running preliminary analysis with reduced basis set... Running final preliminary analysis step with full basis set... ... done. Elapsed time 680.446499 seconds Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 1 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 93 1010 2.4e+03 0.026 1.1e-05 0.03 0.00071 1.5e+03 3.5e+05 4.4e+11 1 -0.35 -1.4 full Jacobian update Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 2 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 94 1009 2e+03 -0.043 -2.1e-05 0.0096 0.00037 8.7e+02 6e+04 1.6e+11 10 0.32 1.6 *full Jacobian update Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 3 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 91 1010 2.7e+03 2.2 0.0008 0.0069 0.00018 1.6e+03 1.8e+04 4.4e+11 1 -25 -0.02 full Jacobian update Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 4 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 94 1011 2.1e+03 -0.00068 -3.3e-07 0.0059 0.00021 1.7e+03 2.6e+05 3.9e+11 10 0.012 42 *full Jacobian update Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 5 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 93 931 1.1e+03 NaN NaN 3.3e-11 9.2e-10 0.0039 73 4.2e+11 1e+07 NaN NaN absolute step size Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 6 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 93 1010 1.9e+03 11 0.0057 0.071 0.0032 1.7e+03 2.5e+04 3.5e+11 1 -7.2 -0.07 full Jacobian update Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 7 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 93 1012 8.2e+02 70 0.085 0.079 0.0029 1.4e+03 3.3e+05 2.5e+11 1 -19 -0.026 full Jacobian update Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 8 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 93 1010 1.3e+03 6e+02 0.46 0.13 0.0081 1.6e+03 3.4e+03 3.2e+11 1 -41 -0.012 full Jacobian update Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 9 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 94 1011 3.9e+03 -0.0014 -3.6e-07 0.0016 5e-05 1.8e+03 1.3e+03 4.1e+11 10 0.44 1.1 *full Jacobian update Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 10 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 92 1013 8.1e+02 4e+06 4.9e+03 18 1.2 1.5e+03 8.4e+06 3e+11 0.1 -6.5e+03 -7.7e-05 full Jacobian update Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 11 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 93 1012 1.2e+03 36 0.03 0.022 0.0011 2e+03 5.9e+04 3e+11 1 -31 -0.016 full Jacobian update Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 12 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 94 1013 3.7e+04 30 0.00081 0.06 0.0078 2.2e+03 1.6e+07 4e+11 10 -0.94 -0.53 full Jacobian update Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 13 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 94 1015 5e+03 0.00015 2.9e-08 0.0011 5.1e-05 9.9e+02 1.9e+04 2.5e+11 10 -0.055 -9.2 full Jacobian update Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 14 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 94 1015 1.2e+04 1.8e+02 0.015 0.05 0.0052 2.5e+03 4.6e+07 2.9e+11 10 -3.5 -0.14 full Jacobian update Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 15 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 93 1012 1.6e+03 1.9 0.0012 0.047 0.0018 1.4e+03 5.8e+05 2.7e+11 1 -4.4 -0.11 full Jacobian update Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 16 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 99 1002 5.9e+02 -0.0073 -1.2e-05 0.019 0.00036 2.1e+02 5.5e+04 5.1e+10 1 0.24 2.1 *full Jacobian update Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 17 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 93 1008 1.4e+03 4.9 0.0035 0.027 0.0011 1.4e+03 7e+04 2.8e+11 1 -14 -0.035 full Jacobian update Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 18 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 94 1013 1.3e+03 -9.2 -0.0068 0.12 0.0037 2.5e+03 4.5e+07 2.7e+11 10 0.5 1 *full Jacobian update Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 19 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 94 1009 4.3e+03 -1.1 -0.00026 0.039 0.0016 1.3e+03 7e+05 2.3e+11 10 0.49 1 *full Jacobian update Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 20 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 94 1013 4.4e+03 -49 -0.011 0.27 0.019 4.4e+03 2.5e+08 2.9e+11 10 0.22 2.3 *full Jacobian update Fitting water reference spectra from dataset 21 out of 21 total datasets... Norm Rel norm First-order Rel first-order Largest Comment I# F# f(x) Df(x) relDf(x) of step of step optimality optimality eigenvalue lambda rho ratio 94 1011 1.6e+03 -22 -0.014 0.14 0.0084 5.3e+03 1.8e+08 2.9e+11 10 0.48 1 *full Jacobian update ... done. Elapsed time 17.901281 seconds ... done. Elapsed time 698.347779 seconds Timestamp September 27, 2024 13:03:32 Osprey 2.8.0 OspreyCoreg Coregistering voxel from dataset 21 out of 21 total datasets... ... done. Elapsed time 43.173001 seconds Timestamp September 27, 2024 13:04:57 Osprey 2.8.0 OspreySeg Segmenting structural image from dataset 1 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:05:10 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:05:11 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 13:05:11 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM001\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM001_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 13:08:44 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 13:08:44 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 13:08:44 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:08:47 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:08:47 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 2 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:08:57 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:08:58 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 13:08:58 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM002\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM002_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 13:12:26 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 13:12:26 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 13:12:26 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:12:28 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:12:28 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 3 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:12:37 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:12:37 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 13:12:37 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM003\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM003_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 13:15:50 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 13:15:50 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 13:15:50 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:15:52 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:15:52 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 4 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:16:02 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:16:02 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 13:16:02 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM005\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM005_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 13:19:03 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 13:19:03 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 13:19:03 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:19:05 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:19:05 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 5 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:19:14 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:19:14 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 13:19:14 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM006\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM006_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 13:22:27 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 13:22:27 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 13:22:27 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:22:29 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:22:29 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 6 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:22:38 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:22:38 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 13:22:38 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM007\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM007_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 13:26:03 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 13:26:03 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 13:26:03 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:26:05 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:26:05 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 7 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:26:14 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:26:14 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 13:26:14 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM008\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM008_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 13:29:05 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 13:29:05 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 13:29:05 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:29:06 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:29:06 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 8 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:29:16 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:29:16 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 13:29:16 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM009\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM009_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 13:32:15 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 13:32:15 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 13:32:15 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:32:17 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:32:17 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 9 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:32:25 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:32:25 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 13:32:25 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM010\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM010_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 13:35:53 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 13:35:53 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 13:35:53 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:35:55 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:35:55 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 10 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:36:04 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:36:04 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 13:36:04 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM011\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM011_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 13:39:07 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 13:39:07 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 13:39:07 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:39:09 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:39:09 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 11 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:39:17 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:39:17 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 13:39:17 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM012\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM012_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 13:42:39 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 13:42:39 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 13:42:39 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:42:41 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:42:41 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 12 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:42:50 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:42:50 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 13:42:50 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM013\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM013_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 13:45:40 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 13:45:40 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 13:45:40 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:45:41 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:45:42 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 13 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:45:50 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:45:50 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 13:45:50 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM014\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM014_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 13:48:45 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 13:48:45 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 13:48:45 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:48:47 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:48:47 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 14 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:48:56 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:48:56 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 13:48:56 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM015\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM015_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 13:52:00 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 13:52:00 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 13:52:00 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:52:02 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:52:02 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 15 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:52:10 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:52:10 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 13:52:10 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM017\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM017_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 13:55:06 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 13:55:06 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 13:55:06 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:55:08 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:55:08 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 16 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:55:17 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:55:17 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 13:55:17 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM018\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM018_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 13:58:30 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 13:58:30 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 13:58:30 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:58:32 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:58:32 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 17 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:58:41 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 13:58:41 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 13:58:41 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM019\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM019_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 14:01:56 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 14:01:56 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 14:01:56 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:01:58 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:01:58 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 18 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:02:06 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:02:06 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 14:02:06 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM020\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM020_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 14:05:13 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 14:05:13 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 14:05:13 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:05:15 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:05:15 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 19 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:05:24 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:05:24 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 14:05:24 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM021\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM021_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 14:08:28 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 14:08:28 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 14:08:28 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:08:30 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:08:30 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 20 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:08:38 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:08:38 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 14:08:38 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM023\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM023_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 14:11:46 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 14:11:46 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 14:11:46 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:11:48 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:11:48 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-S Segmenting structural image from dataset 21 out of 21 total datasets... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:11:57 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:11:57 - Running 'Segment' SPM12: spm_preproc_run (v7670) 14:11:57 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== Segment C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\sub-CONIAABM024\ses-1\anat\sub-CONIAABM024_ses-1_T1w.nii,1 Completed : 14:15:00 - 27/09/2024 27-Sep-2024 14:15:00 - Done 'Segment' 27-Sep-2024 14:15:00 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:15:02 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:15:02 - Running 'Normalise: Write' 27-Sep-2024 14:15:07 - Done 'Normalise: Write' 27-Sep-2024 14:15:07 - Done ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:15:12 - Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27-Sep-2024 14:15:12 - Running 'Image Calculator' SPM12: spm_imcalc (v6961) 14:15:12 - 27/09/2024 ======================================================================== ImCalc Image: C:\Users\WTICF00105\Documents\AB_MRS_Analysis\MRS_dlPFC\MRS_dlPFC_Output\VoxelMasks\ses-1_dlPFC-press-act_space-spm152_mask_VoxelOverlap.nii 27-Sep-2024 14:15:22 - Done 'Image Calculator' 27-Sep-2024 14:15:22 - Done ... done. Elapsed time 4218.226961 seconds Timestamp September 27, 2024 14:21:28 Osprey 2.8.0 OspreyQuantify Quantifying dataset 21 out of 21 total datasets... ... done. Elapsed time 0.396253 seconds Timestamp September 27, 2024 14:21:38 Osprey 2.8.0 OspreyOverview Gathering spectra from subspectrum 2 out of 2 total subspectra... ... done. Gathering fit models from fit 2 out of 2 total fits... ... done. Warning: Colon operands must be real scalars. This warning will become an error in a future release. > In OspreyOverview (line 451) In osp_onQuant (line 49) Warning: Colon operands must be real scalars. This warning will become an error in a future release. > In OspreyOverview (line 451) In osp_onQuant (line 49) Interpolating fit models from fit 1 out of 2 total fits...Warning: Colon operands must be real scalars. This warning will become an error in a future release. Interpolating fit models from fit 2 out of 2 total fits...Warning: Colon operands must be real scalars. This warning will become an error in a future release. > In OspreyOverview (line 478) In osp_onQuant (line 49) ... done. Scaling data from dataset 1 out of 21 total datasets...Warning: Colon operands must be real scalars. This warning will become an error in a future release. > Icaling data from dataset 21 out of 21 total datasets...Warning: Colon operands must be real scalars. This warning will become an error in a future release. > Icaling data from dataset 21 out of 21 total datasets... ... done. ... done. Elapsed time 6.431440 seconds Runtime Breakdown................ OspreyLoad runtime: 2.642940 seconds OspreyProcess runtime: 89.896615 seconds OspreyFit runtime: 698.347779 seconds OspreyFit metab runtime: 680.446499 seconds OspreyFit reference runtime: 17.901281 seconds OspreyCoreg runtime: 43.173001 seconds OspreySeg runtime: 4218.226961 seconds OspreyOverview runtime: 6.431440 seconds Full Osprey runtime: 5059.114989 seconds Saving MRS container... ... done. Elapsed time is 17.750610 seconds. >>