Continue with loading new job, overwriting existing job. Loading raw data from dataset 1 out of 1 total datasets... Error using fgets Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier. Error in read_dcm_header (line 29) tline = fgets(fid); % get first line Error in io_loadspec_dicom (line 32) DicomHeader = read_dcm_header(filesInFolder{1}); Error in osp_LoadDICOM (line 71) raw = io_loadspec_dicom(MRSCont.files{kk}); Error in OspreyLoad (line 66) [MRSCont] = osp_LoadDICOM(MRSCont); Error in osp_onLoad (line 32) MRSCont = OspreyLoad(MRSCont); Error while evaluating UIControl Callback. Error using uix.TabPanel/set.TabTitles (line 475) Property 'TabTitles' should be a cell array of strings, one per tab. Error in osp_processingWindow (line 36) gui.layout.rawTab.TabTitles = {'...'}; Error in osp_onLoad (line 30) [gui,MRSCont] = osp_processingWindow(gui,MRSCont); Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.