I want to submit a Matlab function to remove the Siemens spectral smily or sad artefacts at the spectrum edges.
Every spectrum FID from Siemns scanners has a time reveresed mini FID at
the end.
This is an artefact of the digital filtering.
This is a problem for several reasons:
- If the FID is truncated or adpodized the edges of the spectrum will turn down or up.
- The noise estimates in jMRUI will be wrong. AMARES and other quantification choices in jMRUI use the tail end of the FID to estimate noise.
- Frequency domain fitting baseline splines will be influenced and this can lead to quantification errors
NOTE: As a consequence of point 2, the noise estimates of FIDs treated with this function will also be wrong.
Unsmile_Siemens0.pdf (84.6 KB)
Unsmile_Siemens1.pdf (156.9 KB)