[CODE SUBMISSION] MRS DeIdentification Tools

Hi all,

This is a test for the code submission procedure. I have created a GitHub repository containing some code to de-identify Siemens TWIX MRS data.

Find the code under:

Please consider forking it into the MRSHub account, and creating an entry on the website.


Thank you for your submission, Georg.

We have created a fork of your repository in the MRSHub GitHub account:

We also added an entry in the MRSHub software collection:

Please drop a message into this thread whenever you update your code, so we can pull the changes.

Best wishes,
The MRSHub Team

I have added functions to de-identify GE P-files and Philips SDAT files to my personal repository. These have been created by Mark Mikkelsen, and have been added with his permission.

I’ve submitted a pull request to accept these changes into the MRSHub repository of the MRS DeIdentification Tools.


We have accepted the pull request, and the MRSHub fork is now up to date.

Best wishes,
The MRSHub Team

PS: Yes, this is a split-personality conversation, but it illustrates the workflow of submitting and updating code through this forum.