[CODE SUBMISSION] pyAMARES: Python Library for MRS Data Fitting with AMARES Algorithm

Dear MRSHub Community,

I would like to submit pyAMARES, an Open-Source Python Library for Fitting Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data, to be included in the MRSHub software collection.

Project Repository: GitHub - HawkMRS/pyAMARES: pyAMARES, an Open-Source Python Library for Fitting Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data
Documentation: https://pyamares.readthedocs.io/

Key Features:

  • AMARES fitting with initial parameter optimization
  • Spreadsheet-based (Excel, CSV) interface for managing prior knowledge
  • Flexible parameter configuration (fix or fit any spectral parameters)
  • Multiprocessing support for batch analysis
  • Frequency-selective fitting capabilities
  • HSVD-based initialization for fitting without prior knowledge
  • Interactive tutorials available through Google Colab

The Github repository includes the required SUBMISSION.md file with all necessary information. The software is published (PyAMARES, an Open-Source Python Library for Fitting Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data) and is actively maintained.

I look forward to contributing to the MRSHub community and welcome any feedback or suggestions.

Best regards,
Jia Xu


This is very cool! Thanks for sharing.

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Iā€™m going to add it to the software listings today. Thank you indeed for sharing!

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Thanks a lot for adding it to the listings!

Thanks a lot! And thanks for the open-source tools such as FSL-MRS you developed, they are really helpful to me!