[CODE SUBMISSION] pyAMARES: Python Library for MRS Data Fitting with AMARES Algorithm

Dear MRSHub Community,

I would like to submit pyAMARES, an Open-Source Python Library for Fitting Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data, to be included in the MRSHub software collection.

Project Repository: GitHub - HawkMRS/pyAMARES: pyAMARES, an Open-Source Python Library for Fitting Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data
Documentation: https://pyamares.readthedocs.io/

Key Features:

  • AMARES fitting with initial parameter optimization
  • Spreadsheet-based (Excel, CSV) interface for managing prior knowledge
  • Flexible parameter configuration (fix or fit any spectral parameters)
  • Multiprocessing support for batch analysis
  • Frequency-selective fitting capabilities
  • HSVD-based initialization for fitting without prior knowledge
  • Interactive tutorials available through Google Colab

The Github repository includes the required SUBMISSION.md file with all necessary information. The software is published (PyAMARES, an Open-Source Python Library for Fitting Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data) and is actively maintained.

I look forward to contributing to the MRSHub community and welcome any feedback or suggestions.

Best regards,
Jia Xu


This is very cool! Thanks for sharing.

I’m going to add it to the software listings today. Thank you indeed for sharing!