[CODE SUBMISSION] pymapVBVD - python port of mapVBVD

Hi Everyone,

I have some code that I would like to submit to the MRS Hub repository. This is an early version of a python port of Philipp Ehses’ excellent Matlab tool mapVBVD. The code is currently hosted on an institution gitlab page here. I have added a submission.md file to the repository.

If suitable, could you fork it to the MRSHub account?


Note - this is a test of the workflow by the creators of this site.

Hi Will,

Thank you for your submission!

We have created a fork of your repository in the MRSHub GitHub account:

We also added an entry in the MRSHub software collection, and tagged your submission to appear in the “Input/Output” category:

Please drop a message into this thread whenever you update your code, so we can pull the changes.
Looking forward to your next submission!

Best wishes,
The MRSHub Team

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Hi Georg,

Could you update the fork for this mrshub repository?

If it’s easier to use there is now a Github version as well as the internal GitLab version. https://github.com/wexeee/pymapvbvd

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Excellent, thanks Will. I’ve deleted the old repository and simply forked your original GitHub version.


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