CoRegStandAlone Error in GERead

While processing single voxel MRS I have utilized CoRegStandAlone for several of my datasets and successfully generated the voxel co-registration and the GM, WM, and CSF fractions. On my final dataset, when I ran CoRegStandAlone I received the following error:

MRS_struct = CoRegStandAlone({‘/Users/corpuscallosum/Desktop/Gannet_Processing/R01/CS001/CS001_acc/P48640.7’}, {‘/Users/corpuscallosum/Desktop/Gannet_Processing/R01/CS001/CS001_acc/CS001.nii’})
Error using \
Matrix dimensions must agree.

Error in GERead (line 386)
w = (S’*(Psi\S))^-1 * S’ / Psi;

Error in CoRegStandAlone (line 106)
MRS_struct = GERead(MRS_struct, metabfile{ii});

Nothing has changed in the way I entered the pathnames or file structure from the other times I have been successful in generating the proper outputs.

I would greatly appreciate any help or suggestions!

Hi @laurenss,

It’s possible that the P-file is corrupted or was not exported successfully. See if the file size of it matches your other P-files.


Hi @mmikkel,

I checked and the file size was different between the successful and unsuccessful pfiles processed.

I went back to flywheel where our files are stored and re-exported them and the size difference was still present. I reached out to our imaging facility to ask about the difference and this was the response. “I recall when we finalized the prescription, a CV was set to write out all the frames. Before that, 16 or 32 frames were averaged before written to the pfile. This was the cause for the big difference in pfile sizes. But it shouldn’t affect the location information in the pfile header.”

We then checked that the pfile headers were intact for the pfiles that we have been unsuccessful in processing and they were.

Do you have any further suggestions?

Thank you,


Hi @laurenss,

Would you be able to share the dataset with me? You can anonymize the file using GEDeIdentify.m. Type help GEDeIdentify in the command window for usage instructions.


Hi @mmikkel,

Yes, I will attach one set where we received the error and the other that was successful in processing.

I just attempted to upload the data through the chat and it says:
“Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, txt, md, pdf, zip, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, coord, table, csv, m).”

Is there are alternate way of uploading the nii and the pfile for you to view?

Thank you,


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