[DATA SUBMISSION] 7T MRSI (HFMRC, MU Vienna) Example Data: Raw MM Spectra


I’d like to post a link here for MM datasets acquired with metabolite-nulling using the FID-MRSI sequence.

Here are the details:
Data from the Vienna 7T MRSI group
Contact: wolfgang.bogner@meduniwien.ac.at , mpovaza1@jhmi.edu

Format: JMRUI text file

Field strength: 7T

Scanner type: Siemens 7T Magnetom

Sequence type: Double Inversion Recovery single-slice FID-MRSI, cartesian phase encoding

Technique: Metabolite Nulling Using Double Inversion Recovery

Spectrum Type: Metabolite-Nulled Macromolecular spectrum

Pre-processing: Spectra summed across chosen ROI / Metabolite Residuals Removed using AMARES

Subjects: Healthy young (25-35y) volunteers

Acquisition date: 2014-2015

Details on the acquisition and pre-processing of these datasets can be found in 1. (Považan et al., NI, 2015). In case of further questions, please contact authors.

Submission file is available at https://zenodo.org/record/3906754#.XvOWVvJ7n7e


SUBMISSION_DATA.md (887 Bytes)

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Hi Michal,

Thanks a ton!! Your submission is now listed in the MRSHub dataset collection under the ‘MRSI’ and ‘Macromolecules’ sub-categories. This will be super useful!

Cheers, and best wishes,