[DATA SUBMISSION] FID-MRSI (HFMRC, MU Vienna) Example Data: FID-MRSI basis sets with measured MM - 3T & 7T


I’d like to post a link here for the FID-MRSI basis sets. Description below:

Data from the Vienna 7T MRSI group
Contact: wolfgang.bogner@meduniwien.ac.at , mpovaza1@jhmi.edu

Format: LCModel .basis and .RAW

Field strength: 3T / 7T

Macromolecules: Yes, Measured

Sequence: FID-MRSI

Acquisition delay: 0ms / 1.3ms / 1.5ms

Vendor: Siemens

Basis set consisting of metabolite resonances simulated in NMR-Scope(-B) and measured macromolecules. For more information, please contact authors.

The basis file contains duplicate metabolites that should be omitted from the LC-Model analysis. NOMIT and CHOMIT may be used for this (for more info see LCModel manual). Please consult the authors before publishing your data fitted with these basis sets.

Here is the link to the basis sets


SUBMISSION_DATA.md (911 Bytes)

1 Like

Hi Michal,

Fantastic. I’d give this two likes if I could :slight_smile: The entry to this submission is now linked under the ‘MRSI’ and ‘Basis sets’ sub-categories in the MRSHub dataset collection.

I really can’t wait what you guys share next… keep it up, please!

Cheers, and best wishes,