Developer: Paul Mullins, PhD
Name of dataset: Considerations for event related GABA fMRS
Abstract: This is the “Considerations for event related GABA fMRS” dataset. It contains 3 matlab workspaces, with simulated spectra for GABA and Glutamate from a MEGA-PRESS experiment.
Type: Simulated single voxel data
Format: matlab workspaces
Sequence: MEGA-PRESS
Credit: Citation details will be added once the manuscript is accepted
Publication: “Considerations for event related GABA fMRS” under review.
URL: OSF | Considerations for event related GABA fMRS (559 Bytes)
Considerations_for_event_related_GABA_fMRS_data_license.txt (1.4 KB)
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Thanks Paul. Fingers crossed for the paper - I’ll add the data later today!