Error Encountered During Quantification in Osprey GUI After Batch Processing

Dear all
As the title indicates, I am using Osprey to process twix data from a 7T Siemens STEAM sequence. After running a batch processing script, I imported the data into the Osprey GUI for subsequent quantification. After successfully performing Load Data,Process Data, and Model Data, I encountered the following error when running Quantify.

Osprey Versions: 2.8.0 and the latest development version (I have tried both)
MATLAB Version: R2024a
Operating System: macOS 15.1

Error message:

Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1-by-31 and the size of the right side is 41-by-1.

Error in osp_exportParams (line 105)
params.(fields{i})(cnt,:,:slight_smile: = vxl.(fields{i});

Error in OspreyOverview (line 858)

Error in osp_onQuant (line 49)
MRSCont = OspreyOverview(MRSCont);

Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.

I hope someone can help! thanks

opts.exportParams.flag = 1; It was successful when I changed it to 0.

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