Error in OspreyHTMLReport: Unrecognized field name

Hi everyone,

I’m running some HERMES data through Osprey 2.5.0, and all of the processing finishes successfully, but I keep running into the following error in OspreyHTMLReport. It seems like the script is looking for a certain field in MRSCont.seg.img, but my MRSCont.seg doesn’t have a field named “img”.

Some other info: I’m running Osprey on Siemens TWIX data via MATLAB R2022b using the command “RunOspreyJob(jobfile)”. The MATLAB script is called from the Ubuntu command line using “matlab -nodiplay -batch “run(script.m)””. I have attached an abbreviated log file below. Thanks for the help!

Runtime Breakdown…
OspreyLoad runtime: 151.453435 seconds
OspreyProcess runtime: 492.081262 seconds
OspreyFit runtime: 4475.388575 seconds
OspreyFit metab runtime: 4466.222215 seconds
OspreyFit reference runtime: 9.166360 seconds
OspreyCoreg runtime: 31.143111 seconds
OspreySeg runtime: 3057.316859 seconds
OspreyOverview runtime: 1.263034 seconds
Full Osprey runtime: 8208.828824 seconds
{Unrecognized field name “img”.

Error in OspreyHTMLReport (line 914)
if isfield(MRSCont.seg.img, ‘vol_Tha_CoM’) % HBCD thalamus overlap

Error in RunOspreyJob (line 60)
[MRSCont] = OspreyHTMLReport(MRSCont,kk);

Error in Y2Q4_Analysis_Driver_v2_20231024a (line 14)
MRSCont = RunOspreyJob(‘Y2Q4_Analysis_Job_File_v2_20231024a.m’);

Error in run (line 91)
evalin(‘caller’, strcat(script, ‘;’));

Hi @kgjones,

I have just pushed a fix for this to the develop branch.

Let me know if this works for you.


Hi Helge,

Thanks for the quick reply! I believe that solved the error from line 914, but it looks like I’m getting a similar error from line 1015:

{Unrecognized field name “img”.

Error in OspreyHTMLReport (line 1015)
if MRSCont.flags.didSeg && isfield(MRSCont.seg.img, ‘vol_Tha_CoM’) % HBCD thalamus overlap

Error in RunOspreyJob (line 60)
[MRSCont] = OspreyHTMLReport(MRSCont,kk);

Error in RunOspreyJobWELL22_v1 (line 40)
MRSCont = RunOspreyJob(fullfile(‘/nyx1/data/WELL22/Scripts/Analysis/MRS/AutoJobFiles/’,[‘WELL22_UCLA’,scanner,‘_’,subnum,‘_ses’,ses,‘_Auto_Osprey_Job.m’]));

Similar code is used on line 1257 as well. Thanks!

Keith Jones