Error in using example data jobRDA

I am trying to use Osprey with the example RDA data, but anatomical data is missing in this example data, and I am getting the following error:

Error using OspreyJob
Invalid job file! A job file needs to contain at least metabolite data in the field

Error in Osprey/loadJob (line 98) = OspreyJob(gui.out{1},1);

Error in Osprey/onLoadJob (line 166)

Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.

Where can I find the anatomical data and metabolite data?

Thanks a lot.

Hi @MaryT,

Thank you for reaching out.

Unfortunately, the jobRDA example has no raw files. However, you can use it as a template to create a job file for your data.

I am happy to advise on it if you get stuck with your own data.


Thank you for the informing.
I could create a job file for my own data.
Thanks a lot.