I am trying to launch the Osprey GUI as explained in the Osprey documentation (4.1). When I input the command “Osprey”, I get the following error:
Unable to resolve the name uiw.utility.loadIcon.
Error in Osprey (line 31)
logoBanner = uiw.utility.loadIcon(logoFcn);
Error in Osprey_testing (line 4)
Here is the code for 30 and 31 of the Osprey function, which is where the error is coming from:
logoFcn = @()imread(‘osprey.png’, ‘BackgroundColor’, gui.colormap.Background);
logoBanner = uiw.utility.loadIcon(logoFcn);
Could anyone help me out with this? I am new to Matlab so any help would be appreciated. I have downloaded Osprey and spm12 and added their folders to the path, so I don’t think that’s the issue.
Thank you for your prompt response! I made sure the required the Widgets and GUI toolboxes are installed, and it seems for some reason that although both are installed, the Widgets toolbox does not show up when I use the “ver” command to double check. However, the Widgets Compatibility support does.
When I run “Osprey,” it now displays the Osprey pop-up, but then runs the error:
Unrecognized function or variable ‘osp_platform’.
Error in Osprey (line 37)
I am assuming this has to do with the toolboxes.
Thank you very much for all of your help!