GannetLoad to open .IMA files

Hello, recently I found some phatom datas with MEGA-PRESS sequence purchased from Siemens Machines. The file format is .IMA.

Gannet recommends using data in the . dat, but I would like to be able to open these files because they will be useful for my project. I tried to open it following Gannet’s instructions, but the code is stuck in the first loop of the read_dcm_header(fid) function. Does anyone have any suggestions to resolve this problem? Am I forgetting something? I used GannetLoad to open the files.

MRS_struct = GannetLoad({'/home/wesna/MRS/Phantom/data-megapress-spectra/E1/MEGA_SingleAve_WS_ON/GABA00_NAA_15mM_Cr_8mM/0001.IMA'})

I will be very grateful for your help :slight_smile:

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Hi @wesna,

Could you please share what your GannetPreInitialise.m settings look like?


Hi @mmikkel,

Of course, these are my GannetPreInitialise.m settings

function MRS_struct = GannetPreInitialise(MRS_struct)

% Acquisition parameters = {'GABA'}; % Edited metabolite(s) of interest; permitted options are:
                                       % If MEGA-PRESS:
                                       %   {'GABA'}, {'GABAGlx'}, {'GSH'}, {'Lac'}, or {'EtOH'}
                                       % If HERMES:
                                       %   {'GABAGlx','GSH'}, {'Lac','GSH'}, or {'EtOH','GABA','GSH'}
                                       % If HERCULES:
                                       %   {'GABAGlx','GSH'}
                                       % If phantom data:
                                       %   and MEGA-PRESS: {'GABA'}, {'Glx'}, {'GSH'}, {'Lac'}, or {'EtOH'}
                                       %   and HERMES: {'GABA','GSH'}, {'Glx','GSH'}, {'Lac','GSH'}, or {'EtOH','GABA','GSH'}
    MRS_struct.p.seqorig = 'JHU'; % Origin of Philips MEGA-PRESS or GE HERMES sequences;
                                  % options are 'JHU' or 'Philips' if Philips, or 'Lythgoe' if GE (for HERMES only)
% Analysis parameters
    MRS_struct.p.LB            = 3; % Exponential line-broadening (in Hz)
    MRS_struct.p.water_ECC     = 1; % 1 = YES, perform eddy current correction on water data
    MRS_struct.p.metab_ECC     = 0; % 1 = YES, perform eddy current correction on metabolite data (requires a water reference)
    MRS_struct.p.water_removal = 1; % 1 = YES, remove residual water signal in the DIFF spectrum using HSVD
    MRS_struct.p.alignment     = 'RobustSpecReg'; % Alignment method; options are 'RobustSpecReg' (recommended), 'SpecReg', 'SpecRegHERMES',
                                                  % 'Cr', 'Cho', 'NAA', 'H2O', or 'none' (recommended for phantom data)
    MRS_struct.p.use_prealign_ref = 0; % 1 = YES; in some cases, using RobustSpecReg to align HERMES/HERCULES data can result in
                                       % worse alignment compared to the pre-aligned data; setting this parameter to 1 will
                                       % make RobustSpecReg use the averaged pre-aligned subspectra as references to align the
                                       % averaged post-aligned subspectra, which may improve the final alignment
    MRS_struct.p.vox                = {'vox1'}; % For naming voxels; for PRIAM data this would be, e.g., {'anterior','posterior'}, {'right','left'}, etc.
    MRS_struct.p.fit_resid_water    = 0; % 1 = YES, fit the residual water signal in the OFF spectrum to calculate a water suppression factor
    MRS_struct.p.weighted_averaging = 1; % 1 = YES, average subspectra using weighted averaging; otherwise, use arithmetic averaging
% Flags(0 = NO; 1 = YES)
    MRS_struct.p.HERMES   = 0; % Data were acquired using HERMES
    MRS_struct.p.HERCULES = 0; % Data were acquired using HERCULES; if 1, MRS_struct.p.HERMES must be set to 1 as well
    MRS_struct.p.PRIAM    = 0; % Data were acquired using PRIAM
    MRS_struct.p.phantom  = 1; % Data are from a phantom (assumes phantom was scanned at room temperature)
    MRS_struct.p.join     = 0; % Join multiple files (this can be performed in batch to join files across multiple subjects)
    MRS_struct.p.mat      = 0; % Save MRS_struct as a .mat file
    MRS_struct.p.csv      = 0; % Extract useful results from the output structure MRS_struct and export them to a .csv file (applies to
                               % GannetFit, GannetSegment, and GannetQuantify only)
    MRS_struct.p.append   = 0; % Append PDF outputs into one PDF (separately for each module) (requires export_fig in the Gannet
                               % directory to be added to the search path and Ghostscript to be installed)
    MRS_struct.p.hide     = 0; % Do not display output figures

Hi @wesna,

Is there a specific reason why you need to process the .IMA files?

That repository has .dat files, and I was able to process the E1/RAW/GABA11_NAA_15mM_Cr_8mM dataset using a development version of Gannet (GitHub - markmikkelsen/Gannet at dev):

Using this run code:

MRS = GannetLoad({'meas_MID00823_FID50207_svs_edit_68_invivo_BW1250Hz.dat'}, {'/Users/mmikkel5/Documents/GitHub/tmp/E1/RAW/GABA11_NAA_15mM_Cr_8mM/meas_MID00819_FID50203_svs_se_68_WS_OFF.dat'});
MRS = GannetFitPhantom(MRS);

And GannetPreInitialise.m code:

function MRS_struct = GannetPreInitialise(MRS_struct)

% Acquisition parameters = {'GABA'}; % Edited metabolite(s) of interest; permitted options are:
                                       % If MEGA-PRESS:
                                       %   {'GABA'}, {'GABAGlx'}, {'GSH'}, {'Lac'}, or {'EtOH'}
                                       % If HERMES:
                                       %   {'GABAGlx','GSH'}, {'Lac','GSH'}, or {'EtOH','GABA','GSH'}
                                       % If HERCULES:
                                       %   {'GABAGlx','GSH'}
                                       % If phantom data:
                                       %   and MEGA-PRESS: {'GABA'}, {'Glx'}, {'GSH'}, {'Lac'}, or {'EtOH'}
                                       %   and HERMES: {'GABA','GSH'}, {'Glx','GSH'}, {'Lac','GSH'}, or {'EtOH','GABA','GSH'}
    MRS_struct.p.ON_OFF_order = 'onfirst'; % The editing order applied at acquisition.
                                    % If empty (the default: []), Gannet will determine the editing order automatically.
                                    % Otherwise, input 'offfirst' or 'onfirst' for MEGA-edited data;
                                    % or, for HERMES/HERCULES data, input a four-letter combination, such as 'ABCD' or 'CBAD', etc.
                                    % (see: doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.07.056)
    MRS_struct.p.seqorig = 'JHU'; % Origin of Philips MEGA-PRESS or GE HERMES sequences;
                                  % options are 'JHU' or 'Philips' if Philips, or 'Lythgoe' if GE (for HERMES only)
% Analysis parameters
    MRS_struct.p.LB            = 3; % Exponential line-broadening (in Hz); default = 3 Hz; for phantom data, ~1.5 Hz is recommended
    MRS_struct.p.water_ECC     = 1; % 1 = YES, perform eddy current correction on water data
    MRS_struct.p.metab_ECC     = 0; % 1 = YES, perform eddy current correction on metabolite data (requires a water reference)
    MRS_struct.p.water_removal = 1; % 1 = YES, remove residual water signal in the DIFF spectrum using HSVD
    MRS_struct.p.alignment     = 'H2O'; % Alignment method; options are 'RobustSpecReg' (recommended), 'SpecReg', 'SpecRegHERMES',
                                                  % 'Cr', 'Cho', 'NAA', 'H2O', or 'none' (recommended for phantom data)
    MRS_struct.p.use_prealign_ref   = 0; % 1 = YES; in some cases, using RobustSpecReg to align HERMES/HERCULES data can result in
                                         % worse alignment compared to the pre-aligned data; setting this parameter to 1 will
                                         % make RobustSpecReg use the averaged pre-aligned subspectra as references to align the
                                         % averaged post-aligned subspectra, which may improve the final alignment
    MRS_struct.p.vox                = {'vox1'}; % For naming voxels, e.g., {'DLPFC'}; if data were acquired using PRIAM this could be,
                                                % e.g., {'anterior','posterior'}, {'right','left'}, etc.
    MRS_struct.p.fit_resid_water    = 0; % 1 = YES, fit the residual water signal in the OFF spectrum to calculate a water suppression factor
    MRS_struct.p.weighted_averaging = 1; % 1 = YES, average subspectra using weighted averaging; otherwise, use arithmetic averaging
% Flags(0 = NO; 1 = YES)
    MRS_struct.p.HERMES    = 0; % Data were acquired using HERMES
    MRS_struct.p.HERCULES  = 0; % Data were acquired using HERCULES; if 1, MRS_struct.p.HERMES must be set to 1 as well
    MRS_struct.p.PRIAM     = 0; % Data were acquired using PRIAM
    MRS_struct.p.phantom   = 1; % Data are from a phantom (assumes phantom was scanned at room temperature)
    MRS_struct.p.join      = 0; % Join multiple files (this can be performed in batch to join files across multiple subjects)
    MRS_struct.p.mat       = 0; % Save MRS_struct as a .mat file
    MRS_struct.p.csv       = 0; % Extract useful results from the output structure MRS_struct and export them to a .csv file (applies to
                                % GannetFit, GannetSegment, and GannetQuantify only)
    MRS_struct.p.normalize = 0; % If 1, the voxel masks created by GannetCoRegister and GannetSegment are normalized to MNI space
                                % and, if more than dataset has been run in the pipeline, a mean overlap voxel is created
                                % (note that this is only run if GannetSegment is run)
    MRS_struct.p.append    = 0; % Append PDF outputs into one PDF (separately for each module) (requires export_fig in the Gannet
                                % directory to be added to the search path and Ghostscript to be installed)
    MRS_struct.p.hide      = 0; % Do not display output figures



Hello @mmikkel,

Sorry for the delay and thanks for the reply :slight_smile:
I had understood that .dat files were just water data, so I was trying to use .IMA files. But any of them are interesting to me.

I downloaded the development version of Gannet (v3.4.0-dev), but I still couldn’t open the data using GannetLoad(). It appears that the code gets stuck in a loop when the function twix_obj = mapVBVD_Gannet(fname); is called on line 193 by SiemensTWIXRead().

This is my command line:

MRS = GannetLoad({'/home/wesna/MRS/Phantom/data-megapress-spectra/E1/RAW/GABA11_NAA_15mM_Cr_8mM/meas_MID00823_FID50207_svs_edit_68_invivo_BW1250Hz.dat'}, {'/home/wesna/MRS/Phantom/data-megapress-spectra/E1/RAW/GABA11_NAA_15mM_Cr_8mM/meas_MID00819_FID50203_svs_se_68_WS_OFF.dat'});

And my configuration:

function MRS_struct = GannetPreInitialise(MRS_struct)

% Acquisition parameters = {'GABA'}; % Edited metabolite(s) of interest; permitted options are:
                                       % If MEGA-PRESS:
                                       %   {'GABA'}, {'GABAGlx'}, {'GSH'}, {'Lac'}, or {'EtOH'}
                                       % If HERMES:
                                       %   {'GABAGlx','GSH'}, {'Lac','GSH'}, or {'EtOH','GABA','GSH'}
                                       % If HERCULES:
                                       %   {'GABAGlx','GSH'}
                                       % If phantom data:
                                       %   and MEGA-PRESS: {'GABA'}, {'Glx'}, {'GSH'}, {'Lac'}, or {'EtOH'}
                                       %   and HERMES: {'GABA','GSH'}, {'Glx','GSH'}, {'Lac','GSH'}, or {'EtOH','GABA','GSH'}
    MRS_struct.p.ON_OFF_order = 'onfirst'; % The editing order applied at acquisition.
                                    % If empty (the default: []), Gannet will determine the editing order automatically.
                                    % Otherwise, input 'offfirst' or 'onfirst' for MEGA-edited data;
                                    % or, for HERMES/HERCULES data, input a four-letter combination, such as 'ABCD' or 'CBAD', etc.
                                    % (see: doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.07.056)
    MRS_struct.p.seqorig = 'JHU'; % Origin of Philips MEGA-PRESS or GE HERMES sequences;
                                  % options are 'JHU' or 'Philips' if Philips, or 'Lythgoe' if GE (for HERMES only)
% Analysis parameters
    MRS_struct.p.LB            = 3; % Exponential line-broadening (in Hz); default = 3 Hz; for phantom data, ~1.5 Hz is recommended
    MRS_struct.p.water_ECC     = 1; % 1 = YES, perform eddy current correction on water data
    MRS_struct.p.metab_ECC     = 0; % 1 = YES, perform eddy current correction on metabolite data (requires a water reference)
    MRS_struct.p.water_removal = 1; % 1 = YES, remove residual water signal in the DIFF spectrum using HSVD
    MRS_struct.p.alignment     = 'H2O'; % Alignment method; options are 'RobustSpecReg' (recommended), 'SpecReg', 'SpecRegHERMES',
                                                  % 'Cr', 'Cho', 'NAA', 'H2O', or 'none' (recommended for phantom data)
    MRS_struct.p.use_prealign_ref   = 0; % 1 = YES; in some cases, using RobustSpecReg to align HERMES/HERCULES data can result in
                                         % worse alignment compared to the pre-aligned data; setting this parameter to 1 will
                                         % make RobustSpecReg use the averaged pre-aligned subspectra as references to align the
                                         % averaged post-aligned subspectra, which may improve the final alignment
    MRS_struct.p.vox                = {'vox1'}; % For naming voxels, e.g., {'DLPFC'}; if data were acquired using PRIAM this could be,
                                                % e.g., {'anterior','posterior'}, {'right','left'}, etc.
    MRS_struct.p.fit_resid_water    = 0; % 1 = YES, fit the residual water signal in the OFF spectrum to calculate a water suppression factor
    MRS_struct.p.weighted_averaging = 1; % 1 = YES, average subspectra using weighted averaging; otherwise, use arithmetic averaging
% Flags(0 = NO; 1 = YES)
    MRS_struct.p.HERMES    = 0; % Data were acquired using HERMES
    MRS_struct.p.HERCULES  = 0; % Data were acquired using HERCULES; if 1, MRS_struct.p.HERMES must be set to 1 as well
    MRS_struct.p.PRIAM     = 0; % Data were acquired using PRIAM
    MRS_struct.p.phantom   = 1; % Data are from a phantom (assumes phantom was scanned at room temperature)
    MRS_struct.p.join      = 0; % Join multiple files (this can be performed in batch to join files across multiple subjects)
    MRS_struct.p.mat       = 0; % Save MRS_struct as a .mat file
    MRS_struct.p.csv       = 0; % Extract useful results from the output structure MRS_struct and export them to a .csv file (applies to
                                % GannetFit, GannetSegment, and GannetQuantify only)
    MRS_struct.p.normalize = 0; % If 1, the voxel masks created by GannetCoRegister and GannetSegment are normalized to MNI space
                                % and, if more than dataset has been run in the pipeline, a mean overlap voxel is created
                                % (note that this is only run if GannetSegment is run)
    MRS_struct.p.append    = 0; % Append PDF outputs into one PDF (separately for each module) (requires export_fig in the Gannet
                                % directory to be added to the search path and Ghostscript to be installed)
    MRS_struct.p.hide      = 0; % Do not display output figures

Any ideas what could be wrong? Did you just change the version and the code worked? I also tried passing just the file name as an argument, but the code remains stuck in the loop (the code has no errors, but continues to load infinitely).

Thank you!

Hi @wesna, could you please share your data files (to so I can test if there’s an issue with Gannet?


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Hello @mmikkel,

Thank you very much for your help! In fact, my data was not exported correctly. I downloaded it again and now I was able to open the .dat files in Gannet v3.3.2 and v3.4.0-dev. Thank you :slight_smile:

Just one more question (maybe a simple question), why is GannetFit different when the data is of type Phantom?

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You should use GannetFitPhantom instead of GannetFit if you want to fit phantom data.