Hello- We ran into this error using SiemensTWIX data from an E11c PrismaFit. SPM version is 12. Note, GannetLoad and GannetFit work and the outputs are correct but then we get the following error message:
Error using spm_vol>spm_vol_hdr (line 80) File “image1.nii” does not exist.
Error in spm_vol (line 61)
** v = spm_vol_hdr(deblank(P(i,:)));**
Error in GannetMask_SiemensTWIX (line 110) V = spm_vol(nii_file);
Error in GannetCoRegister (line 74)
** MRS_struct = GannetMask_SiemensTWIX(fname, nii_name{ii}, MRS_struct, ii, vox, kk);**
Error in gannetcode (line 19)
** MRS_struct = GannetCoRegister(MRS_struct,{‘image1.nii’});**
I work with Brenda and still am getting the same errors even with the most recent version of Gannet. I’m trying with spm8 (also tried with spm12). I’m attaching the link to data below, would you please be able to help us troubleshoot?