How do I check which anatomical file is aligned with the spectroscopy file?

After converting to BIDS some participants have multiple anatomical scans - likely because participant had do use the bathroom so scan was interrupted and the anat sequence was re-done to properly align with the remaining sequences.

As a result one participant might have two files which end up named:

My only idea is to decide based on the acquisition time, but I am not sure how reliable this method is. If T1 run-01 was done at time 13:18 and T1 run-02 was done at 14:40; while the mrs acquisition was at 13:33 then I assume I should use run-01 for tissue fraction correction? My guess would be that anatomical would be done before the sequence that would depend on it, and run-02 happened after the mrs.

Would appreciate some feeddback- does my idea make sense? Or is there a more reliable method of finding this out?

The surest way would be to ask whoever did the scanning which anatomical they used for voxel placement. But knowing the time each acquisition was performed, as you’ve said, would be the best alternative.
