First, thank you so much for this great Hub! Especially for the SW list and forum.
I’ve been trying to download jMRUI from the Author Website on the software list, and it seems to be down. I think it is the correct web address, but it has been down for a few weeks now. So, I was wondering if there are other places I can get the software. Would that one (GitHub - isi-nmr/jMRUI: A new format for jMRUI software) for example the same software?
Glad you found us I’ve just reached out to Michal Jablonski to see what’s going on with I think the GitHub you found is not what you’re looking for (IIRC they’re preparing a new version, but that repository doesn’t seem to hold much yet). I have jMRUI v5.2 here, but I’m worried I can’t just upload it for copyright reasons.
The jMRUI web pages are temporally down as a consequence of a hacker attack.
Until we solve the problem please apply for a jMRUI license at
If you experience problems, contact me at
I am happy to announce that jMRUI web page is back. You can use again for jMRUI downloads and to access the users’ forum.
For everybody who has successfully registered and obtained the license through the temporal web page, an account will be opened and the credentials for accessing the web page will be forwarded.
Hi everyone,
I have tried to register with all my email accounts. When I log in it tells me that the account has not yet been activated (in any of the emails). I do not receive any activation email. I have also written to the incident web page and have not received a reply or a copy of the email.
I need to download the program, how can I do it?
Thank you all very much,
Hi everyone,
I’m a PhD student from Belgium.
I also do not manage to register on the jMRUI website and I absolutely need this program for my MRS data analysis.
Could you please help with this registration issue so I can get a license ?
Hi everyone,
I’m from China,a student at a medical college,and my situation is very similar to IRENE’s. I have also attempted to register with each of my email addresses since March of this year. I sent a letter to a week ago as well, but I haven’t received a response. It’s possible that the website has been hacked again in order to prevent access to our information. My email is I need to download the program and am hoping for everyone’s assistance.
many thanks,
Hi everyone,
if you have problems downloading jMRUI from the official jmrui website, please email me at jana [at] isibrno [dot] cz. I will provide you with a download link. In the email please include: your full name, institutional email, the name and address of your university or research institute.
Best regards
Hello Everyone,
This is my first post in the forum,
I am Arijit, PhD scholar from India. I am using MR Spectroscopy for my PhD project and was so far using LcModel for analysis. I want to learn and use jMRUI and have applied for license almost a month ago but unfortunately haven’t herd back from the team and my account hasn’t been activated yet as well. I have inquired about the same from the Contact Box from the website but haven’t heard back yet.
Can anyone guide me what shall I do?