jMRUI7 loading jmrui-txt files in batch mode

Following situation: Siemens Scanner, 3D-CSI. We load the data into matlab, do a lot of preprocessing and write out the important voxels slice by slice into a JMRUI-Txt file. Than we run jmrui in batch mode (linux) to quantify with amares.
This worked fine under jMRUI3 (and I think also with 5 - not sure there).
Under jMRUI7 we get a lot of error messages and it seems jMRUI tries to load the data as GE.
Starting the jMRUI7-GUI and going to file->open as-> “Text file” works fine and jMRUI can read in the whole slice - just not in batch mode.

If anybody has a solution for us or can suggest another file format we should save our preprocessed spectra slicewise in matlab, we would be very gratefull.

Thanks for any hints,


PS: Thats how our preprocessed data looks like:

jMRUI Data Textfile

Filename: 31P_wwf_CSI_jMRUI_S03.txt

PointsInDataset: 1024
DatasetsInFile: 192
SamplingInterval: 5.00E-1
ZeroOrderPhase: 0E0
BeginTime: 0E0
TransmitterFrequency: 4.9872E7
MagneticField: 3E0
TypeOfNucleus: 0E0
NameOfPatient: AG0301
DateOfExperiment: 20080513
Spectrometer: PrismaFit
AdditionalInfo: NeuroImaging
SignalNames: 31P_3dCSI.dcm;

Signal and FFT
sig(real) sig(imag) fft(real) fft(imag)
Signal 1 out of 192 in file
-9.8968E1 -1.4124E2 3.2864E3 -2.0958E3
1.7998E1 -1.1283E2 8.7508E1 1.4923E3
-3.8822E1 9.6190E1 1.1071E3 -1.7540E3
1.7743E2 -2.0960E1 3.8917E3 -9.4044E2