Metabolite concentrations calculated by Osprey

Hi @richardedden,
Thanks a lot for your answer. Indeed, it is really confusing because of the units. Maybe I am missing something, but both on the manual (Chapter 5 Osprey GUI tutorial | Osprey Documentation) and the puplication (10.1016/j.jneumeth.2020.108827), the units are not clearly obvious of CSFWaterScaled and TissCorrWaterScaled. For the latter, I only see that " Osprey reports water-scaled metabolite estimates according to Equation 5, analogous to the LCModel water scaling procedure" and " Osprey derives fully tissue-and-relaxation-corrected molal concentration estimates according to the Gasparovic method".
Maybe Osprey can highlight this more because normally, I would assume as user that both columns would have the same unit.
In this context, another question: in LCModel, mM stands for “mmol per Kg wet weight” and actual mM should be multiplied by 1.04 (see LCModel manual). When I use the algorithm from “Osprey” or from “LCModel” is this factor taken into account?
