Osprey error - LCModel library folder path

Hi @helge and @admin,

I downloaded the most recent Osprey from the develop branch today and got the error message below. It looks like Osprey is trying to access a sonoma folder in the LCModel library folder, but the only folder is catalina. I edited osp_platform.m line 257 to catalina, and it seems to be running okay.

Thanks Meredith. Are you running Sonoma? Running the Mac-compiled LCModel binaries on a different platform than it’s been compiled on has been hit and miss so far, I remember I had to re-compile for @bstennett at some point, which is why this macOS version check here exists.

Hi Georg @admin! I’m still running Ventura (Mac Intel). I’ve not had any issues with the LCModel Catalina version in Osprey. It’s been fantastic! :slight_smile: