Preprocessing in Osprey

I am interested in using Osprey for my SVS spectral analysis. Is it possible to perform pre-processing such as apodization for exponential line broadening on the spectral data, then quantify preprocessed spectra in Osprey or would that be only for modeling purposes?

Hi Maame,

Yes, Osprey does perform pre-processing with a standardized automated pipeline.

This default pipeline does, however, not include apodization:

  • Apodization can be useful for visualization purposes
  • not recommended to apodize data prior to spectral analysis—this can invalidate statistical assumptions associated with the fitting model

(From the expert consensus recommendation on preprocessing, analysis and quantification, Near et al NMR Biomed 2021)

It is possible for you to customise the default pipeline in Osprey, although I recommend to be mindful of the limitations. Happy to assist with any customization.


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