Processing errors in Osprey


I was wondering if someone can please assist me with some processing errors I’m running into in Osprey.

More specifically, I’m unable to complete the segment and quantify functions within Osprey and am getting the following errors:

Timestamp September 13, 2023 12:04:22 Osprey 2.4.0 OspreySeg
Failed to load /Desktop/data/spm12/config/cfg_mlbatch_appcfg.m
Error using indexing
Reference to unknown field ‘preview’.
To assign to a field in the job structure, use a reference like ‘(x).preview’.
In file “subsasgn.m” (???), function “subsasgn” at line 88.
In file “spm_cfg_st.m” (v7591), function “spm_cfg_st” at line 18.
In file “spm_cfg.m” (v6952), function “spm_cfg” at line 15.
In file “cfg_mlbatch_appcfg.m” (v4964), function “cfg_mlbatch_appcfg” at line 9.
In file “cfg_util.m” (v4252), function “local_initapps” at line 1297.
In file “cfg_util.m” (v4252), function “cfg_util” at line 619.
In file “spm_jobman.m” (v4242), function “spm_jobman” at line 160.
In file “OspreySeg.m” (???), function “OspreySeg” at line 41.
In file “osp_onSeg.m” (???), function “osp_onSeg” at line 47.

Failed to load /Desktop/data/spm12/matlabbatch/cfg_mlbatch_appcfg.m
Error using cfg_cfg_basicio
Reference to unknown field ‘rewrite_job’.
To assign to a field in the job structure, use a reference like ‘(x).rewrite_job’.
In file “cfg_cfg_basicio.m” (???), function “cfg_cfg_basicio” at line 1395.
In file “cfg_mlbatch_appcfg.m” (v3179), function “cfg_mlbatch_appcfg” at line 30.
In file “cfg_util.m” (v7345), function “local_initapps” at line 1297.
In file “cfg_util.m” (v7345), function “cfg_util” at line 619.
In file “spm_jobman.m” (v4242), function “spm_jobman” at line 160.
In file “OspreySeg.m” (???), function “OspreySeg” at line 41.
In file “osp_onSeg.m” (???), function “osp_onSeg” at line 47.

Duplicate application tag in applications ‘SPM’ and ‘SPM’.
Duplicate application tag in applications ‘BasicIO’ and ‘BasicIO’.

Segmenting structural image from dataset 1 out of 1 total datasets…
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 1.

Error in OspreySeg>createSegJob (line 602)
matlabbatch{1}.spm.spatial.preproc.tissue(2).tpm = tpm(2);

Error in OspreySeg (line 191)
** createSegJob(niftiFile);**

Error in osp_onSeg (line 47)
** MRSCont = OspreySeg(MRSCont);**

Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.

Scaling data from dataset 1 out of 1 total datasets…
… done.
Unrecognized function or variable ‘nanvar_base’.

Error in nanvar (line 21)
** Y = nanvar_base(X);**

Error in nanstd (line 8)
Y = sqrt(nanvar(varargin{:}));

Error in OspreyOverview (line 709)
** MRSCont.overview.Osprey.([‘sort_data_voxel_’ num2str(rr)]).(names{g}).([‘sd_’ dataPlotNames{ss}]) = squeeze(nanstd(real(tempSubSpec),1));**

Error in osp_onQuant (line 49)
** MRSCont = OspreyOverview(MRSCont);**

Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.

Attaching my job file here
RJ_JobFile.m (12.3 KB) and the data here Spec Data_Osprey - Google Drive

Can you please assist?

Many thanks!!