I acquired SVS data on our Philips scanner. However, after converting to nii format using spec2nii in FSL_MRS, I found that the FIDs from 32 channels have been combined. Is there a setting in the prescription to get the data from each channel?
What’s the export format you used? SDAT/SPAR is already coil-combined on the scanner. DATA/LIST preserves the individual coil signals but does not store the spatial geometry of the acquisition, so you’ll need the SPAR header for that, too. Finally, SIN/LAB/RAW also preserves the individual coil signals, but prior to down-sampling, and is frankly a pain to export.
I exported it to SDAT/SPAR. What should I do to enable exports to DATA/LIST, or SIN/LAB/RAW formats? Also, as far as I understand, for Philips data, FSL_MRS only supports importing the SDAT/SPAR format. Is that right?
Spec2nii generally supports data/list when combined with a spar file; I suppose the specifics will depend on the exact sequence you’re using, but for product single-voxel it certainly works. What’s the sequence you’re using?
For the Philips raw data, I’m sharing a little how-to that someone in our group at Hopkins made, but I can’t remember for the life of me who it was (I think it was @stevehui but could have also been @khupfeld or @Helge):
You need to select “YES” for the option “Save raw data” under the Postproc tab in the exam card (before the scan!):
Yap, that’s how we export raw data in data/list format. Just a reminder for the “Output file identification” in step 4, use a UNIQUE number for each output. Otherwise the export files will be overwritten.
@admin Is right. Spec2nii will handle data/list, though I haven’t seen many types of data int hat format, so I expect that it might not be fully functional for all sequences.
Is there a particular reason you want coil uncombined data? I imagine that there isn’t much to be gained over the Philips default coil combination.
I am a novice in MRS, and doing a calibration of the peaks of PVP phantoms on GE/Philips/Siemens scanners. I only have a very rough understanding of what each preprocessing step does, and so am curious to see how each step does offline, e.g. in FSL_MRS.
BTW, do you know which method Philips uses to do coil combinations? Thanks.