Hello, everyone! I have downloaded Osprey from the website( https://github.com/schorschinho/osprey/tree
/MSM), but I failed to find the relevant code for 2D - LCM as stated in the literature( MagnReson Med:DOI: 10.1002/mrm.30209). I wonder if the 2D - LCM has been integrated into Osprey. If yes, how can I use it? Looking forward to your reply. Thank you!
Hi @Yulin,
Thank you for taking an interest in Osprey and our new 2D works!
The code changes that is relevant for this paper has not yet made it back into the main GitHub branch. However, there is a Open Science Framework Repository that contains the necessary code to run the analysis (OSF | Model-based frequency-and-phase correction of 1H MRS data with 2D linear-combination modeling.). It is also referenced in the code and data availability statement.