Hi all,
I just noticed there’s an example jobfile in the exampledata>twix folder. However, I see a few differences when comparing it to the one I use, so I have some questions.
In the example twixjobfile there is:
- opts.SpecReg = ‘RobSpecReg’;
- opts.SubSpecAlignment.mets = ‘L2Norm’;
- % opts.ECC.raw = [0 1];
% opts.ECC.mm = [0 1];
Which I don’t have in my current jobfile (below).
Is adding these to my HERMES/MEGAPRESS/HERCULES jobfile recommended? If yes, what exactly is the input for number 3? I would expect it to be the unsuppressed water scan, so all I have to do is type “1” on both. I got confused by the array option.
My jobfile (for HERMES) is:
% Specify sequence type
seqType = ‘HERMES’; % OPTIONS: - ‘unedited’ (default)
% - ‘MEGA’
% - ‘HERMES’
% Specify data scenario
dataScenario = ‘invivo’; % OPTIONS: - ‘invivo’ (default)
% - ‘phantom’
% Save LCModel-exportable files for each spectrum?
opts.saveLCM = 0; % OPTIONS: - 0 (no, default)
% - 1 (yes)
% Save jMRUI-exportable files for each spectrum?
opts.saveJMRUI = 0; % OPTIONS: - 0 (no, default)
% - 1 (yes)
% Save processed spectra in vendor-specific format (SDAT/SPAR, RDA, P)?
opts.saveVendor = 0; % OPTIONS: - 0 (no, default)
% - 1 (yes)
% Select the metabolites to be included in the basis set as a cell array,
% with entries separates by commas.
% With default Osprey basis sets, you can select the following metabolites:
% Ala, Asc, Asp, bHB, bHG, Cit, Cr, CrCH2, EtOH, GABA, GPC, GSH, Glc, Gln,
% Glu, Gly, H2O, Ins, Lac, NAA, NAAG, PCh, PCr, PE, Phenyl, Scyllo, Ser,
% Tau, Tyros, MM09, MM12, MM14, MM17, MM20, Lip09, Lip13, Lip20.
% If you enter ‘default’, the basis set will include all of the above
% except for Ala, bHB, bHG, Cit, EtOH, Glc, Gly, Phenyl, Ser, and Tyros.
opts.fit.includeMetabs = {‘default’};
% Choose the fitting algorithm
opts.fit.method = ‘Osprey’; % OPTIONS: - ‘Osprey’ (default)
% - ‘AQSES’ (planned)
% - ‘LCModel’ (planned)
% - ‘TARQUIN’ (planned)
% Choose the fitting style for difference-edited datasets (MEGA, HERMES, HERCULES)
% (only available for the Osprey fitting method)
opts.fit.style = ‘Separate’; % OPTIONS: - ‘Concatenated’ (default) - will fit DIFF and SUM simultaneously)
% - ‘Separate’ - will fit DIFF and OFF separately
% Determine fitting range (in ppm) for the metabolite and water spectra
opts.fit.range = [0.5 4.0]; % [ppm] Default: [0.2 4.2]
opts.fit.rangeWater = [2.0 7.4]; % [ppm] Default: [2.0 7.4]
% Determine the baseline knot spacing (in ppm) for the metabolite spectra
opts.fit.bLineKnotSpace = 0.4; % [ppm] Default: 0.4. (0.55 best for GABA, 0.4 best for GSH: Hupfeld et al 2023 NRM Biomed)
% Add macromolecule and lipid basis functions to the fit?
opts.fit.fitMM = 1; % OPTIONS: - 0 (no)
% - 1 (yes, default)
opts.fit.coMM3 = ‘3to2MM’; % How do you want to model the co-edited macromolecules at 3 ppm for GABA-edited MRS?
% OPTIONS: - {‘3to2MM’} (default)
% - {‘3to2MMsoft’}
% - {‘1to1GABA’}
% - {‘1to1GABAsoft’}
% - {‘freeGauss’}
% - {‘fixedGauss’}
% - {‘none’}
opts.fit.FWHMcoMM3 = 14;
% Which metabolites are edited?
editTarget = {‘GABA’,‘GSH’};